A little over 4 months to go to Reggae Marathon, Sunday, December 2. Woo hoo! 5:15 am Sunday, December 2 at Long Bay Beach Park in Negril can’t come soon enough! With that start comes the first few kilometres running under the stars…and street lights. Soon after the turn at the round-a-bout the sky brightens as the sun peaks over the horizon from the east. Music fills the air at each Aid Station and the string of runners and walkers makes for a sweet sight.
All too soon it’s over. The running. Then its onto the Beach and into the refreshing Caribbean to cap off the Reggae Marathon Experience. Just over 4 months to go now! See you on the road…and on the Beach!
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)