December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

6 Must-have Nutrients for Vegetarian Diets

Strenuous physical activity demands proper nutrition.  Gels are not enough (trust me I know from personal experience).  Running qualifies as strenuous especially the training that goes along with preparing for a Marathon (and Half Marathon’s and 10K’s).  Food as fuel is something that all of us have uttered at one time or another.  It did NOT impress my wife when I was in heavy Triathlon training and competition a number of years ago.

Maintaining a vegetarian diet adds to the challenge of proper nutrition for runners.  Protein, minerals and essential fatty acids are absolutely essential to stay healthy.  I came across this article recently that outlines the 6 essential nutrients on a Vegetarian Diet:  6 Must-Have Nutrients for Vegetarian Diets.

2012 Reggae Marathon Pasta PartyAt the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party the night before the race (this year the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party is on Friday, December 6), there are plenty of vegetarian options. A number of the hotels along the Negril Beach strip set up Pasta Stations and compete to serve up the best pasta.  Not to be missed is the Rasta Pasta! And the vegetarian and non-meat options are also plentiful.  I’ve carbo-loaded very well with all vegetarian options in the past.

Keep up the workouts, follow these suggestions and stay strong!


Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


Click here to register online for Reggae Marathon, December 7, 2013:  Reggae Marathon Registration.

For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.

Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

This is a link to the Official Reggae Marathon 2012 Race Video.

Reggae Marathon Pasta Party Photo courtesy of Errol Anderson.
