7 months to Reggae Marathon! Yowza!
10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon…US$60, US$85, US$90 registration fee respectively. That gets you entry into your Reggae Marathon event, entrance to the Pasta Party Friday night, Race Packet that includes our uniquely designed Puma T Shirt, Finisher medal and post-race activities. Sunshine, warm weather and beach included at No Charge! What are you waiting for, Register now: Reggae Marathon 2017 Registration.
Yes! Only 7 months to Reggae Marathon December 2 in Negril!. Here’s the latest on the location of the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party, 3,000 limit on Registration and Training:
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)