December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

8 Days to Reggae Marathon 2019

8 Days to Reggae Marathon 2019

It’s 8 days to Reggae Marathon 2019 and one week tonight is the World’s Best Pasta Party!  Woo hoo!

The Reggae Marathon Pasta Party is one of the highlights of the race weekend.  Chef’s and teams from a number of the Negril-area hotels work hard to prepare delicious pasta dishes and salads.  They set up in tents around the tennis courts at the Couples Swept Away Sporting complex.  Gates open at 5:30 pm next Saturday.  Then it’s time to eat!

The cost of the Pasta Party is included in your race registration…there is a charge for non-runners and you can purchase those at Registration when you pick up your race package Friday or Saturday.


And what would a party be without music.  Especially in Jamaica!  The musical highlight is the high-energy steel band orchestra performance!  Don’t miss it!

Some advice:  Get to the Pasta Party early and plan to head out early.  Race day comes early with the 5:15 am start and you’ll want to get a decent night’s sleep.

So just 8 days to go now…

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
