Runners do tell tales…on occasion. And the farther back in time they occurred the taller they get. But hey…that’s the fun in telling running ‘tales’. Here are a few from Reggae Marathoners we’ve met over the years:
Chris’s 10K PB of 42 minutes. Back in the day when 10K races were popular, Chris ran the race of her life. PB 42 minutes. It was a mostly downhill course and it was a cool day but she had never done that time before and was super proud. She was not shy in sharing with her running friends…and anyone else who would listen. It was only years later that she learned that the course distance was not ‘officially measured’. It turned out that the 10K course was closer to 9 kilometers. The 42 minutes made sense…for that shorter distance!
John took a wrong turn…and met a Bear! This one from a Fan in Canada. On a business trip to Whistler, British Columbia, John went out for his usual early morning run. It was a habit that really got put to the test on his frequent business trips but one that kept the crazy eating, drinking and sleeping schedule at bay. On his way out of the hotel, the concierge casually mentioned not to take a branch trail off the main route. Wild animals roamed the area and the hotel staff wanted their guests to be safe. Despite this advice, John was so wrapped up in the scenery that he took the wrong turn…and promptly ran into a Mother Bear with a couple of cubs. They were a good distance ahead of him on the trail but he beat a rapid retreat.
ThatRunninGuy walking Reggae Marathon with a broken foot! This is a true tale…truly! A few years ago when training for the Reggae Marathon 10K, I broke a number of bones in my right foot and was relegated to wearing a compression cast for the recovery. It’s also called ‘The Boot’ and keeps the bones rigid so they heal properly. Since this injury occurred 7 weeks before Reggae Marathon and Doctor’s orders were to wear The Boot for at least 8 weeks I had a dilema: How was I going to participate and keep my Reggae Marathon consecutive event streak alive. Walk the 10K of course…with The Boot. That I did and had a whole new appreciation for the course, the volunteers and the scenery…including capturing one of my favourite photos of the sunrise over the Negril river. That’s the sunrise in the photo above.
Have a tale to tell? We’d love to hear it!
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)