December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

The Face of a True Champion

“Champion:  A person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in competition”.  That’s the Oxford Dictionary definition but it only goes part of the way to describing the true Champion that is Usain Bolt.

Like you I was glued to my Smartphone and TV last weekend for the World Championships in London.  I was online with Instagram, Twitter and Facebook while watching the live action on TV.  The showdown in the Men’s 100 Metre was my primary focus.  I was anxious…I wanted, even expected the storybook ending of another Gold. Time stood still for those 9 point something seconds and at the finish I was aghast! 3rd! 3rd? How could that be? That’s not how it was supposed to end!

Watching Usain Bolt immediately after the finish was a revelation!  With more grace, humility and pride than most of us could muster under the situation, he accepted the result and then celebrated it. At the medal ceremony (that’s the photo above) watching the pure enjoyment on his face sealed it for me:  It was the face of a true champion!

The 8 Olympic Gold Medals and numerous World Gold medals define his dominance; The image of him enjoying this Bronze is his Legacy. It’s a lesson for the ages. This quote from a recent article in The Jamaica Observer sums it up:

“Even as they booed and jeered Mr Gatlin, the London crowd knew deep down that their hero had done the right thing by embracing the man they loved to hate. Such are the contradictions of human nature, that they loved Mr Bolt even more for that instinctive gesture of human kindness.”

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)



Register for Reggae Marathon, December 2, 2017: Reggae Marathon Online Registration
For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site
Here are videos showcasing the Reggae Marathon Experience: Reggae Marathon Video