For an update on Reggae Marathon 2018, Sunday, December 2, join us live on Facebook for the Official Reggae Marathon 2018 Media Launch. The date is Wednesday, October 17 and the time is 12 noon Jamaica time. It’s all happening on Facebook at this link: Reggae Marathon 2018 on LoopJamaica. Race Director, Frano will be joined by other Reggae Marathon team members and Jamaica Tourism and Government Officials. You’ll get the inside track on what Reggae Marathon really means to Jamaica, the latest updates and maybe even a surprise or two! 
We’ll be online on Facebook live as well during the Press Conference so if you have questions, drop us a line. On Facebook, make sure to ‘Like’ the LoopJamaica page then join the Live event on Wednesday, October 17…12 noon Jamaica time.
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy