December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

4 Days to Reggae Marathon 2019

4 Days to Reggae Marathon 2019

It’s just 4 days to Reggae Marathon 2019!  And race weekend is almost upon us!

The action starts this Friday at Couples Swept Away Sporting Complex when onsite registration and race packet pickup opens in the afternoon.  Just look for the big Reggae Marathon banners on the side of the road across from the main entrance to the Couples Swept Away hotel.

Then on Saturday things heat up.  Onsite registration continues and the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party gets underway around 5:30 pm, both at the Couples Swept Away Sporting Complex.  This is your last opportunity to pick up your race packet:  There is no packet pickup or registration on race day, Sunday, December 8.

Then it’s early to bed Saturday night ahead of the 5:15 am race start time on Sunday, Race Day! All three Reggae Marathon events get underway at the same time:  The Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K.  The Reggae Marathon race events and post-race bash take place at Long Bay Beach Park, just a few hundred metres from Couples Swept Away.  Just follow the crowds and listen for the Reggae Music.

Enjoy the next few days on the beach.  Get in an early morning run, stay hydrated get ready for the run of a lifetime!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
