December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Number 20 in 2020

Number 20 in 2020

Mark the date of Sunday, December 6, 2020! It’s the 20th anniversary of the Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K! If you’ve ever run any of the three races we want to see you here in Negril! If this will be your first time, we welcome you to join us for what has become a real Experience! And right now up until December 31, 2019 we have ‘Super’ Early Bird Registration rates! Just go to this link on our website to register and save: 2020 Super Early Bird Registration

20 years ago at the first Reggae Marathon event, runners lined up at the same Start Line on Norman Washington Boulevard at Long Bay Beach Park. Promptly at 5:15 am that morning Race Director Frano sent them off. Later they ran down the same Finish chute to cap off the first Reggae Marathon running event. And to celebrate, running into the refreshing Caribbean Sea just outside the Finish area.

Today not much has changed yet everything has changed! We still line up on the road at Long Bay Beach Park; We still start promptly at 5:15 am…Race Director Frano has held that tradition all these years! We still finish at Long Bay Beach Park and we still enjoy running into the sea. But now there are more people, more music and more excitement! 2020 promises to be the most exciting yet!

Not long from now Online registration for Reggae Marathon 2020 will open. That’s your time to lock in the dates. We’ll announce on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as right here on our website.

So for now…make it a date to join the rest of the world on Sunday, December 6 at Reggae Marathon 2020!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
