December 7, 2025
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My 2019 Reggae Marathon Experience

My 2019 Reggae Marathon Experience

This post is from Kari-Ann Wanat…

2019 marked my tenth running of The Reggae Marathon. Each year I return to Negril with only one expectation- to have fun. And each year I succeed. I don’t know what can be better than ending a race on the beach with a Red Stripe, a fresh coconut, and a dip in the Caribbean Sea.

Ten years ago, I got off the plane in Montego Bay ready to spend the week in Negril on the beach and run a half marathon somewhere along the way. I didn’t know at the time that I would make lifelong friends who all enjoy the Reggae Marathon experience as much as I did. Paul, Margaret, Carol, and Art were there at my very first pasta party and have been there every year since. We catch up and talk about what has been going on in our lives for the last year since we last reconvened. It’s great to reunite with my extended running family for the Reggae Marathon.

This last year was special. It not only marked my tenth time running this race, but it coincided with my tenth anniversary of running. I ran my Reggae Marathon not knowing what to expect. How would I see the road in the dark with a 5:15 start? How would I manage drinking from a sealed bag? Since then, I’ve learned that you don’t always see the road at the start and you just bite off a piece of the plastic to drink the water.

Reflecting on my time in Negril last year, I can’t wait to return later this year to run the Reggae Marathon. It’s the perfect way to end to the year!

