When you’re training for marathons or half marathons, you will inevitably do double digit mile long runs. When you start to have long runs on your schedule, they take some time to plan out. Depending where you live, you need to figure out a safe route and if you are going to run alone or if you have a training partner. It’s also important to know how you will handle your hydration for the run. Do you have water fountains that are readily available, can you stash your at various friends or neighbors so you have water along the way, and make sure that in addition to your hydration, you are using the fuel (gels/gummies etc.) that you plan to use on your race. You want your training runs to be as much like you race as possible.
For more information on how to train for your long run, take a look at the article from Runner’s World.
Long Run Tips from Runner’s World
And don’t forget to register for the Reggae Marathon before the price goes up at the end of July- here’s the link- 2021 Reggae Marathon Registration