December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

What’s it like to run in Negril in December in the Reggae Marathon?

How hot is it?  Because we get runners from the northern United States, the UK and Europe, that’s likely the most frequently asked question about the Reggae Marathon.   Yes it’s warmer than northern climates…that’s the reason you’re coming to Negril…but the Reggae Marathon race organizers are well prepared to help you get through it successfully.

Let’s deal with the temperature.  Negril is certainly warmer in December than areas farther north.  At the start of the Reggae Marathon at 5:15 am expect the temperature to be in the low 70’s Farenheight rising to a peak in the mid 70’s F during the race.  Check this link for the most accurate up-to-date weather conditions.  You may not be an early riser like me but you will appreciate the early start time that significantly minimizes time running in the warmer mid-day temperatures.

There are some simple ways to deal with the temperature.  Last year, I found that it made a huge difference to keep both my head and the back of my neck covered and wet once the sun came up. It may not have been the prettiest sight but it worked to minimize the impact of the sun.  I also took advantage of the cold water and Gatorade available at every mile aid station along the entire Reggae Marathon route.  No other running event I’ve participated provided that much assistance to runners.  If I felt too hot, I sprayed the cold water on my legs and the back of my neck.   Messy yes, but definitely effective.  Try it.

I ran more slowly than I had trained.  I felt no shame in that.  I was on vacation in Negril running along the best beach in the world!  How great was that?

Finally, I took advantage of the misting areas in the latter part of the Reggae Marathon.  It was a great relief to feel the cold water from the “guy with the hose” late in the race.  He had a big grin on his face as he sprayed me…I couldn’t tell which one of us enjoyed it more.

With only a couple of weeks to go now until the Reggae Marathon the best advice I can give you is to relax, taper down your training, and get ready for one of the best races in the world in Negril December 4. See you soon.

Until next time…

that running guy
