December 7, 2025
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It was an Easy Skankin Reggae Marathon run

All the way from Florida, New York to Negril, Jamaica, Larry Savitch and his group, ‘Easy Skankin’ were a non-stop presence at Reggae Marathon 2011.  Follow their lead for ‘doing Reggae Marathon’ the right way!  They arrived in Negril before the race and after settling  into their hotel got in some runs before Reggae Marathon on Saturday to get acclimatized to the warmer temperatures.

I met up up with Larry and his wife Friday night at the Pasta Party and it was clear there would be very little sleep for him.  He was pumped for the early start time Saturday morning.  While I didn’t see Larry or Easy Skankin at the start Saturday morning, I caught up with them in the finishers area after the race where they had a tent set up.  Now that’s the way to finish!

I loved the tattoos that he and his wife displayed.   He laughed when I asked if they helped during the race.  He sheepishly admitted that perhaps he was “just a little bit obsessed with Reggae Marathon”.  Smiling, his wife nodded in agreement!

Just a little bit obsessed at Reggae Marathon

After Saturday Larry and Easy Skankin spent the next week or so relaxing on the beach.  Or at least I think they did.  Somehow Larry found the time to take a bunch of great sunset pictures and update Twitter and Facebook  daily.

Ahhh...the perfect end a perfect day!

Larry and Easy Skankin along with a number of other Reggae Marathon groups and fans made Reggae Marathon 2011 Viagra and female special.  I’ll be sharing more of their stories in the coming weeks.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information, check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  Feature photo courtesy of Errol Anderson.
