It didn't take long for the trash talk to start. After all, what do you expect when 3 guys decide to challenge themselves to a race to see who is fastest in the Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge. All will be laid to rest on Sunday, May 6 when Larry Savitch, Dan Cumming and I 'race' each other in separate half marathons. Dan promises that his 'age calculator' will adjust our individual times accurately. Hmmm…
We're not racing for big money but we do have some cool prizes for the winner: A pair of Puma Faas 500 running shoes courtesy of Reggae Marathon and Puma; finisher medals courtesy of Red Line Laser Engraving and of course a 6 pack of Red Stripe after the Reggae Marathon in December. The big prize though will be bragging rites for the rest of the year!
I can't speak for Dan or Larry but I've been training hard this spring which is something I don't normally do. In particular I've working on my speed using the Magic Mile training routine. The first time was a killer but the workout got easier. Plus I've stolen…er, borrowed…a page from fittness trainer Larry and have been doing strength exercises to pump up my core. Dan has been the most diligent so far…he has actually been putting in the road miles. Yes, he's been out
So here's where we'll be running May 6. If you'r running in any of these races we'd love to hear from you.
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Goodlife Fitness Toronto 1/2 Marathon