Those high school runners anxiously making their way to front of the field for the 5:15 am start of Reggae Marathon are a joy to watch. Relatively unknown, dreaming of big things they run like the wind. It was like that as well back in 2001 at the very first Reggae Marathon.
At that event in the pre-dawn
that Saturday morning a lanky high teenager, part of the William Knibb High School team was in the crowd. He was part of The Schoolers Teams made up of 4 runners. Each would run a 10.5 KM leg of the Marathon event.
That young man charged to the top of the world sprint stage with multiple gold medals and world records at the 2008 Olympic games. He was Usain Bolt. If you were in the stands at the National Stadium last Saturday night you witnessed the spectacular start of his 2012 campaign with his 9.82 time in the 100M .