December 7, 2025
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Reggae Marathon receives Abe Issa Award for Excellence

We had a heck of a weekend!  It was all because of running and we are humbled with the exciting result.

At the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association (JHTA) luncheon this past Saturday, Reggae Marathon was presented with the annual Abe Issa Award for Excellence.  For those of us who enjoy the Reggae Marathon Weekend every December in Negril, we experience this excellence when we register, through the Pasta Party, at the start, at every mile and finally post race.  To the small army of staff and volunteers who take such excellent care of us, this award is the result of your hard work and determination to keep Reggae Marathon tops!  Thank you.

According to the JHTA, The Abe Issa Award for Excellence recognizes and honours “individuals, groups and entities who have contributed significantly to the tourism industry by promoting the reputation and image of Jamaica as a tourist destination”.  To qualify for the award, it is key to  “… bring honour, fame and glory to Jamaica. The award recipient must be of unquestionable integrity, with high ethical standards.”

Whew!  High standards indeed. And Reggae Marathon joins a select group of past recipients.

In accepting the award, newly elected Chairman of Reggae Marathon, Richard Lake, expressed his delight at the marathon event being the recipient of such an honour. “Reggae Marathon is truly honoured to be recognized for the work that we have been doing in promoting long distance running in Jamaica over the past 11 years,” he said.

Richard Lake assumed the chairmanship of Reggae Marathon following the passing of Barclay Ewart earlier this year. “We will certainly continue to do our best to maintain our reputation for excellence. We s

ee this prestigious award as incentive to strive even harder to attain our goals,” he added.

(L-R) Deputy Chairman of Couples Resorts Paul Issa, Alfred Francis, Diane Ellis

This December 1 at the 12th annual Reggae Marathon race weekend in Negril I’ll be back for my 4th straight year.  I’m looking forward to running of course…who wants to miss Frano sending us off at 5:15 am Saturday morning…but also to catch up with old friends and meeting some new ones.  Yes Reggae Marathon was publicly honoured with an award for excellence.  As a runner it’s true every step of the way.

See you in Negril in December.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Click here for more details on the Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

Photo credits:  Feature photo courtesy of Aston Spaulding:  From

left  Minister of Tourism, Hon Dr Wykeham McNeil MP; Alfred Francis, Reggae Marathon; Evelyn Smith, President JHTA; Diane Ellis, Reggae Marathon; Paul Issa, Deputy Chairman, Couples Resorts.

Photo of Abe Issa, Alfred Francis and Diane Ellis courtesy of Janet Silvera.
