Little did I know when I injured my foot last August that it would 8 months and counting of recovery. In over 25 years of running I’ve never had a serious injury. Yes I’ve had some setbacks along the way…shin splints, hip and knee pain, sprained ankles but nothing that stopped me from running. I ran through everything.
That streak ended last August while I was ramping up my training for December’s Reggae Marathon. I still don’t know exactly what caused the seriously strained plantar in my right foot but it hobbled me and after the race in December I stopped running.
Since then I’ve experienced tons of grief and learned about the 5 stages of running injury grief: denial anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. Through the first 4 stages I kept running. Duh! Only in January did I have the good sense (with a lot of prodding from my wife Sally) to STOP running and rest. Only now have I moved to the final stage, acceptance.
The author of “The 5 stages of running injury grief” is McKenzie Lobby and his article in is worth reading: RUNNING GRIEF.
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy