December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

A Disappointed Keith Simpson

Reggae Marathon last December was the ‘R’ Marathon for Keith Simpson.  Keith came up with a cool idea to run marathons in alphabetical order and was up to ‘R’ when we met him online early last year.  We dubbed him The Alphabet Runner.

Keith made the long trip fromthe UK to Negril anticipating the usual Reggae Marathon Experience.  Things began well enough with the Pasta Party Friday night and continued through his entire race.  But at the finish, that’s where we let him down.  Keith got his Finisher Medal but unfortunately we didn’t capture his photo when he crossed the finish line.  We searched through all the photos we had on file but were not able to find any of Keith.  We disappointed Keith Simpson and a few other runners. Keith we are truly sorry for this.  We work hard to deliver the best runner experience at Reggae Marathon every year and it pains us when we don’t deliver.  We hope you will accept our apology.

Keith-Simpson-300x300That’s Keith above showing his running form.  All the best in your quest to complete your marathons in alphabetical order.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

