Running. It’s a great excuse to travel. That’s what Sharon and Russell believe and they’ve got 3 others joining them this December in Negril for their first Reggae Marathon!
Sharon and Russell were the winners of free registration to Reggae Marathon 2016 when they participated in a local race just outside of Toronto, Canada. That was all the incentive they needed to convince spouses and friends to join them in Jamaica this December 3. Sharon is a walker and a fast one at that: 35 minutes for a 5K is her personal best. “I’ve met my closest friends through walking”, noted Sharon. “We travel for for fun”, she added. And fun is what they’re looking forward to in Negril in December.
Russell is a runner who got into running via his wife, another power walker and Sharon’s friend. “I got out kicking and screaming by my wife who is a power walker” says Russell. “Now I’m a runner and I love it”. Here are all 5 celebrating a recent run in Toronto where they got to walk/run along one of the Toronto International Airport runways…now that sounds exciting!
Sharon is a relatively recent convert to power walking and noted that “Age is no barrier…I celebrated my 55th birthday at the Rock n Roll Marathon in Las Vegas last year”. “Reggae Maraton in Jamaica will be a first for us…it’s another great excust to travel”.
Sharon and Russell…looking forward to meeting up with all of you at the Pasta Party Friday night at the Couples Swept Away Resort. Until then, safe running…and walking!
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)
- Register for Reggae Marathon, December 3, 2016: Reggae Marathon Online Registration
- For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site
- Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence
- Here is the official 2015 Reggae Marathon Video: Reggae Marathon Video