December 7, 2025
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Appreciate the Love

Appreciate the love; TheReggae Marathon Experience.

Today we hear from some Reggae Runnerz who’ve participated in Reggae Marathon one, two or more times.  They come from all over the USA from varied backgrounds and levels of running experience.  What ties them together is that they appreciate the love that is the Reggae Marathon Experience:

Tasha:  First race EVER! Really enjoyed the positive energy and encouragement along the route!

Michelle:   Half…met a lot of cool people along the 13.1 miles…It wasnt that hot. Some sections along the route had people cheering you and some where sparce but there where folks here and there. I will be running the half again this year. It was fun.

Shirley:  I loved that I started in the dark and managed to finish right before the sun peaked. The support was awesome. I ran the 10k.

Tyana:  The first year I did the half and it was bearable until mile 10 when the sun was up and blazing. Year two and three I did the 10k and loved it.

Angel:  10K, and I ran walked the whole race due to a tendon injury, and it was amazing. Last year was my 3rd year and this is by far one of my favorite races, and I can’t wait for this year!

Ineaka:  1/2 and loved it. The race started at a perfect time for me, that allowed me to witness the sunrise. The course support was awesome, I received more love from the locals there than at races here in the States. The course was perfectly situated in the town that allow us to enjoy the community and the realness it had to offer.

Pat:   I did the 10k… loved it!! The support along the route, the music and done early enough to miss the extreme heat!! One thing I didn’t like was the finish line. I thought I was done when I got back through the start line!!

Beth Ann:  10k. Due to a knee injury I walked most of it. I enjoyed starting in the dark and talking to folks along the way. Great weather nice people and an awesome time.

Whitnie: Walked the 10k due to injury. Appreciated the laid back attitude and love along the route.

And there you have it:  Appreciate the love:  the Reggae Marathon Experience!

Reggae Runnerz 2015

These are just a few of the Reggae Runnerz doing what everyone looks forward to after completing their race at Reggae Marathon:  Enjoying the Caribbean!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

