December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Are Chris, Larry and Dan really ready for the Reggae Runners Challenge?

We met online and partied in Negril at Reggae Marathon 2011.  And this Sunday, May 6 we meet again in the Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge.  By mid-afternoon it will all be over but the tears. By then Dan, Larry and I will have completed our individual races.  No matter our individual times, once Dan applies the magic of 'age adjustment' there will be a clear #1, #2 and #3.  And with the 'Winner' getting a pair of Puma Faas 500 running shoes courtesy of Reggae Marathon along with a medal from Red Line Laser Engraving, the training has been intense and the trash talk fun. So let's see what shape each of us are in.

First, Dan Cumming.  He's the seasoned runner of the threesome.  Or so he thinks.  I've been running for nearly 30 years now and have a couple of years of competitive triathlons under my belt. Dan's big advantage will be his grace under fire.  He adapts quickly to adversity.  See how he dealt with a major challenge at last December's Reggae Marathon.  Yes you've climbed a mountain Dan, but are you really ready for the Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge?

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#039;s Larry Savitch.  His claim to advantage is that he's a personal trainer and works out with something called a 'kettlebell' whatever that is.  Hope it helps with your speed and endurance in your half marathon in New Jersey this weekend Larry. Seriously though, Larry is a personal trainer and works out every day.  He may be the fastest overall but that may not be enough.   Still love your Daniel Craig impersonation last December Larry.

And in my case, I've been working primarily on speed.  I made the transition to the forefoot running style last year after recovering from a nasty plantar fasciitis injury after Reggae Marathon 2010.  As well, for the first time in years I've been logging some track work at a local high school.  Combined with some solid LSD runs, I'll give Larry and Dan a run for their money this Sunday.  And did I mention that the first half of my race is downhill?  Oops, sorry guys.

Oh, I should mention that we are all running clean shaven this Sunday.  Bald, down to the scalp for each of us this weekend.  Yikes!  At least for me.  I like my short salt and pepper look but completely clean shaven?  Maybe it will help reduce wind resistance.

So there you have it.  Our way of 'having fun' between Reggae Marathons.  There's still time to vote for the winner on Facebook.  You know who to vote for:  Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.
