Welcome back Reggae Runnerz
Making a return to Reggae Marathon this December 2 for Reggae Marathon 2018…Reggae Runnerz! Welcome back! Quite a few years ago now we met...
Making a return to Reggae Marathon this December 2 for Reggae Marathon 2018…Reggae Runnerz! Welcome back! Quite a few years ago now we met...
Some days on those tough runs it seems like I’m running forever. Then all too suddenly it’s over. What was all the fuss about? ...
Heat and hydration: Two things to prepare for at Reggae Marathon. These are two questions we got asked recently. With the right preparation...
9 months to Reggae Marathon. Yep, in just a just a couple of days it’s 9 months to our annual get together in Negril. We enjoy some food...
Your first Reggae Marathon Experience is special. So much to look forward to: The planning, the training, the anticipation of traveling to...
Reggae Marathon Pasta Party 2017 was a night to remember. It capped off a perfect day spent relaxing on the beach resting up for race day on...
As we near the end of February and approach 9 months to Reggae Marathon, Sunday, December 2, 2018, it’s time to talk about training plans. ...
Running secrets: Shhh…don’t share with your non-running friends…they wouldn’t get it anyway! The biggest running secret? ...
Reggae Marathon 2017 was a blast! It rained a few afternoons on the days leading up to the weekend but conditions on race day were almost...
My first Reggae Marathon in 2009 was my last Marathon. Here’s my running story. I’m a runner, not a marathoner. My marathon friends...
10 months to Reggae Marathon. Yes, it’s just 10 months until we meet up in Negril on Sunday, December 2 for Reggae Marathon 2018. We still...
Where’s the bag check? Can I pick up my race kit race day? These are just some of the frequently asked questions we answer in the video...