December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.


10 Months to go

Shhh…don’t tell anyone but it’s only 10 months to go to Reggae Marathon!  And for you Full Marathoners and Half Marathoners...

Live on Facebook

Live on Facebook this Sunday.  That’s where you’ll find me this Sunday at 12 noon EST.  I’ll be talking about some of the things...

Running to the Beat

Running to the beat at Reggae Marathon … a big part of the Reggae Marathon Experience! Jamaica is know for two things:  Reggae Music and...

Running Enjoyment

Running Enjoyment!  Two words that describe that elusive feeling you get at some point during a run that keeps you coming back for more.  It could...

Reggae In Miami

There will be Reggae in Miami January 27, 28 and 29 as Reggae Marathon sets up in Miami for the 15th running of the Miami Marathon.  And where...

Arms Up

Arms Up! At some point at Reggae Marathon it’s arms up when the photographer aims their lens at you.  And as is often the case, you manage a...
