Barefoot on the Beach
I ran barefoot on the beach last December after Reggae Marathon. And I loved it! Backstory. After completing the 10K and collecting my Finisher...
I ran barefoot on the beach last December after Reggae Marathon. And I loved it! Backstory. After completing the 10K and collecting my Finisher...
What’s the best part of the Reggae Marathon Experience? Here are the responses from some Reggae Runnerz from last December: Ineaka: The...
Cellulite be gone! Lotions and potions don’t work but this 5 minute workout routine has merit. It’s going to take a bit of work...
It only takes one. Reggae Marathon experience that is. Once you’ve participated in your first Reggae Marathon, it’s tough to resist...
Reggae Marathon last December was the ‘R’ Marathon for Keith Simpson. Keith came up with a cool idea to run marathons in alphabetical...
Have you had an out of body experience? I have and it happened again at Reggae Marathon last December. This came to me over the weekend as I was...
Winter running in Jamaica means about the same as summer running: Shorts, T shirt and hat. Love the tropics! We know it’s not the same for...
It’s time for a Reggae Marathon Video Party! Just like the Super Bowl Party in a couple of weeks, the Reggae Marathon Video Party is a way...
Somewhere between Negril and Hilton, New York, Jessie lost her Reggae Marathon water bottle. We found out about this from Jessie’s Mom...
Reggae runs Miami! Reggae really runs the world but this past weekend in Miami if you heard Reggae music you found Reggae Marathon at the Miami...
There are 2 finish lines at Reggae Marathon. The first is the timing mat as you complete your race, Full Marathon, Half Marathon or 10K. The...
The official 2015 Reggae Marathon video! I spy…Deanne, Julie, Lisa, Debbie… While we didn’t capture absolutely everyone who took...