Reggae Marathon: Still in the Top 10 in the World
Lisa Laws of Reggae Runnerz said this when describing Reggae Marathon: “It’s a great ‘Runcation’”. That’s a...
Lisa Laws of Reggae Runnerz said this when describing Reggae Marathon: “It’s a great ‘Runcation’”. That’s a...
It’s been one of those weeks! Don’t get me wrong…nothing bad, just a lot of stuff going on recently especially in my running...
When I don’t run I’m not a happy camper. I’ll do almost anything to get outside for a run and have had the opportunity while...
I called my Cousin in Boston immediately. That was my first reaction after hearing the news from the finish line area at the Boston Marathon last...
Do you want to run faster? Deep down every runner wants to run faster otherwise the makers of Garmin and Timex watches would be out of business...
Training done, taper complete…now rest until this Sunday Bags packed. Next stop the Airport…flight to London. For those of you...
Reggae Marathon and American Airlines are pleased to offer to 2014 Reggae Runners and Walkers a special 5% discount on fares for Reggae Marathon...
Two weeks from today is the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. A number of Reggae Marathoners will be running and numerous more will be...
I love this video! There are some great running scenes of course but two things grabbed my attention. First, it begins with sunrise running on a...
The significance of March 31: We’ve made it through a quarter of the year! Yeah!! Hopefully the memories of the Polar Vortex weather...
Since re-injuring my right foot two weeks ago, I’ve filled the early morning time when I would usually be out running with reading...
Coming to Negril in early December for Reggae Marathon is marked in indelible ink on my calendar. Seriously. Reggae Marathon is a great...