Sitting high up in the mango tree in the back yard eating mangos. Can there ever be a more simple joy? Today’s post is about Mangoes...
Sitting high up in the mango tree in the back yard eating mangos. Can there ever be a more simple joy? Today’s post is about Mangoes...
Who doesn’t love running in the summer? From Runner’s World, a nice series of articles with suggestions and tips on how to deal...
Hands up: Have you had a pain in the foot caused by Plantar Fasciitis? I have. It hurt. It was not fun. Planter Fasciitis struck me a few years...
Calling Lisa just a ‘Runner’ may be an understatement. I connected with Lisa virtually after last December’s Reggae Marathon...
One of the runners coming from Canada to Reggae Marathon December 7 is Colleen Whitfield. She’s part of the Reggae Rebels group...
A meeting place for runners…now that’s a cool idea. The corner house between Milady Horákové and Františka Křížka Streets in Letna...
“Negril gets under your skin”. And I don’t mean the sand. There is something exotic about being on a ‘miles-long’...
And she’s not coming alone. Say hello to Bonnie Fowler of Toronto, Ontario. She along with 36 runners and supports have booked their first...
Reggae Marathon… Soon Come The 13th staging of the Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K is 213 days away! Runners and Walkers from over...
The start of this year’s Volkswagen Prague Marathon will be displaying an impressive line-up of elite runners. But will the participating African...
Apparently there really are differences between boys and girls. Runners that is. I saw this recent survey and it featured some interesting...
Some mornings even your’s truly needs a kick in the butt to get out of my warm bed, lace up my running shoes and head out for a pre-sunrise...