Reggae Marathon Grand Prix Series
The aim of the Burger King / Reggae Marathon Grand Prix Championship is to develop and promote long distance running in Jamaica and prepare...
The aim of the Burger King / Reggae Marathon Grand Prix Championship is to develop and promote long distance running in Jamaica and prepare...
If you looked up in the air at Reggae Marathon last December you might have seen a small drone buzzing over the Finish Line area. I saw it and...
Jamaica is a fantastic vacation destination. Every December in Negril for Reggae Marathon is testament to that. But every once in a while...
Doing math in my head…calculating my finish time has got me through many a long race by doing math. I’m so glad I paid attention to my...
Want to run faster? Think ‘Speed Play’ with an emphasis on ‘Play’. This Chart shows two ways to incorporate Speed Work...
Congratulations are in order for our Race Director Frano, being awarded The Order of Distinction in the Rank of Officer (OD) for contribution to...
Want to build strength to improve your running? Here are some easy-to-follow routines using a foam roller. For more information on using Foam...
Where did the time go? It seems like ages ago we were enjoying a cold Red Stripe after a great early morning run in Negril. And now here we are...
There are no losers in an Ironman. From the initial decision to compete through the training to the day of the event an athlete will go through...
Newbie runners through to experienced, seasoned runners, we all can use help on how to train better. I read a lot of articles about running and...
Ingrid Wilson loves to run. And she loves seeing other runners succeed in their running goals even more. For the past few years she’s been...
You know that pre-race feeling? In close quarters, butterflies in your stomach, anxiously chatting with your friends waiting for the...