December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.


The Olympics are Coming
The Olympics are Coming

After no Olympics in 2020, its great to see those athletes from around the world are preparing for a trip to Tokyo this summer. If you are from...

Less than Six Months…
Less than Six Months…

Til the Reggae Marathon. Can you tell that we’re excited to see everyone in December? If you haven’t done so, be sure to register for the race...

Visiting Port Antonio
Visiting Port Antonio

A few years back, on my annual trip to Jamaica for the Reggae Marathon, I had the opportunity to visit Port Antonio. On previous trips, I visited...

Your Finish on the Beach
Your Finish on the Beach

There are so many great things to love about the Reggae Marathon. I think what I love the most is that iconic finish on the beach. I know I’ve...

Getting to Negril
Getting to Negril

In Monday’s blog, I shared the information and links for hotel options in Negril. And just as important as that place that you will be staying is...
