A Little Piece of Paradise
It’s been said many times before that one of the highlights of the Reggae Marathon is ending at Long Bay Beach Park on Seven Mile Beach. But when...
Party on the Beach
The end of the Reggae Marathon is where the party begins. As you cross the finish line, you’ll hear your name and the crowds will be cheering you...
Celebrating 20 Years of the Reggae Marathon
This year marks 20 years of The Reggae Marathon. It will be a celebration; a party! A race that started with less than a thousand runners has...
Welcome to Negril
The Reggae Marathon takes place along Norman Manley Boulevard in Negril on the westernmost tip of Jamaica. As you travel to Negril from the...
Where will your next running vacation take you?
Are you looking to take a running vacation this year? Come to Jamaica and participate in The Reggae Marathon. Whether you are a beginning runner...
A Fun Weekend in Miami
Did you go to Miami this weekend to run the Miami Marathon? Was it memorable crossing over the bridge at the start of the race as the sun was...
Welcome to Miami
Are you running The Miami Marathon or Half Marathon this weekend? If so, be sure to stop by the Jamaica Tourist Board booth (101) at the expo and...
The Reggae Marathon, has been selected as a Caribbean qualifying race for the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Rankings. The...
Pasta Party Carbo Loading
The 5:15 am race day start on Sunday morning means I can skip breakfast by loading up on carbs at the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party Saturday...
7 Days to Reggae Marathon 2019
Just 7 days to Reggae Marathon 2019. Bam! Just like that another year has flown by! Bags packed, all travel details...
2 Months to Reggae Marathon 2019
2 months to Reggae Marathon 2019. Sunday, December 8. In Negril. 60 days!! Confirm your vacation time with your boss now! This is not one of...