Thank you from the Jamdammers!
The Jamdammers Running Club Of Kingston, organizers of The Reggae Marathon, Half Maratjon & 10k, would like to thank everyone for the...
The Jamdammers Running Club Of Kingston, organizers of The Reggae Marathon, Half Maratjon & 10k, would like to thank everyone for the...
With less that five month to go, if you have not registered for the half marathon or 10K, be aware that the prices increase on July 31st. So now...
The Association of International Marathons and Distance Races has highlighted the Reggae Marathon in their online newsletter. Among the highlights...
Enjoy a wonderful night of dance while showing your support for the 2023 Reggae Half Marathon and 10k by attending the NDTC performance on...
The price for the Reggae Marathon will increase on July 31st. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save some money on your registration...
When you run the Reggae Marathon, you need to be prepared for the hot weather. While the race does start in the dark, once the race starts, the...
Planning for the Reggae Marathon a few months in advance is necessary. The flights will sell out, the hotels book up, and the price does increase...
We are approaching six months til race day. Have you registered yet? If no, the link to register is at the bottom of the page. Have you booked...
For many runners, there are many things that make us happy. For some, it may be a new pair of running shoes. For others is may be the placing in...
When you come to Negril, be sure to spend some time relaxing and enjoying Seven Mile Beach. Some may go for a run on the beach early in the...
Everyone has a mantra whether just for life or for running. I know that when I’m at the end of a race and I know that I am struggling, I tell...
The weather is getting hot and if you’re training for a marathon right now one of the most important things you can do right now running is making...