December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Channeling Usain Bolt!

Prince Harry did it!   OK, maybe not so well and after he 'won' his race against Usain Bolt in Kingston earlier this year.  There must be something to it though because he's not the only one who 'does the Bolt'.  Take a look at these Reggae Marathoners channeling Usain Bolt…and doing a

fine job if I do say so myself.

It stars at the Pasta Party with these Reggae Marathoners showing the way.  And the food?  Pasta prepared fresh by a number of the hotels along the Negril beach.  The 'Rasta Pasta' may be the star, but the overall quality is outstanding and there is enough for all.  Reggae Marathon Race Director Frano sends us off promptly at 5:15 am on Saturday morning but the Reggae Marathon really begins Friday night.

The party picks up again immediately after you cross the finish line and get your finishers medal.  Live music, water, misting tent, fresh cut coconut, Red Stripe beer, massage on the beach and a refreshing dip in the Caribbean.  The Reggae Marathon post-race

party is a great time to catch up with friends, relive the race and plan for the next year.

If ever there was a picture of 'cool' then these guys have it down!  Hey, even Usain Bolt would be proud with this expression of 'The Bolt'.

And while not strictly 'Doing the Bolt', these enthusiastic Reggae Marthoners at the post-race party are doing a great job of channeling the spirit of Usain Bolt.

Does 'doing the Bolt' help you run faster?  It may not but I'm not taking any chances. I'm practicing now for Reggae Marathon 2012.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page. Photos courtesy of Errol Anderson Photography.
