“Do we have to go home already?” That was the next question we used to ask Mum and Dad after a family day on the beach in Negril. It's the same question I asked myself yesterday as I headed out of Negril. If I could bottle the experience I would make a fortune. I mean, after a glorious 4 day Reggae Marathon weekend spent at Rondel Village, I am not ready to go home yet. Oh, I'll have the memories and the pictures and hey, it's only 360 days to Reggae Marathon 2012 December 1, 2012. Mark it in your calendar…I have.
Stories and pictures, new friends and old. Reggae Marathon 2011 was another great running vacation
. And I'm looking forward to 2012 for another reason, it's the 50th anniversary of Jamaica's Independence. What better way to celebrate than with a run at Reggae Marathon next December.
Over the next few weeks and months I’ll be sharing some of my favourite photos. If generic cialis next day delivery you have some you’d like to share just send me a jpeg at [email protected]. You can also share them directly on the Reggae Marathon Facebook page. Either way, we’d love to see your favourite memories of Reggae Marathon 2011.
Here's a thought: once we've been to Negril and experienced Reggae Marathon, we are never far away from the Capital of Casual.
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site. Photo courtesy of Karen Fuchs Photography.