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Easy Skankin returns to Reggae Marathon 2012

Once was not enough…Larry Savitch and Easy Skankin from Florida, New York will be back at Reggae Marathon this December to help wrap up the year-long 50th Anniversary celebrations of Jamaica’s Independence (Come Home Jamaica). Shhh…they think they are really coming to run in

Reggae Marathon but we know why their real motivation.

Last year Easy Skankin had a great time at Reggae Marathon:  It was an Easy Skankin Reggae Marathon 2011.  Always looking for a great run and a good time, they’re back…

“Easy Skankin” make its triumphant return to the Reggae Marathon for a second go in 2012. We will be represented as a solid six, Karen Savitch, Stacey Goodlof, Barbara Gavigan, Candice Lester, Caryl “Iron Lion Zion” Rion and of course myself. We’ll be “Coming in from the Cold” to Montego Bay from New York on Thursday November 29th and half will be staying till 12/4 the other half till 12/6. This year we will be calling “Beaches Negril” our temporary Jamaican home.

Last year we all had such a great time in Negril we felt we had to come back. You have heard it over and over again but Negril is so laid back and as veteran of road racing, The Reggae Marathon is one of the best organized races I have ever been involved with. The weather last year was fantastic the Caribbean was warm, and the Jamaican people even warmer.

Just like the year before we plan on having shirts made up for the “World’s Best Pasta Party” the night before the race. Those shirts are in the process of getting designed, using a quote from a Bob Marley song (still to be decided). We also designed temporary tattoos for race day; it involves the Rasta running man and our team name.

Larry and Karen with 2011 Tattoos

Larry and Karen with 2011 Tattoos

Being that it’s our second go-round, we did learn a little bit about some do’s and don’ts. Although we feel that getting there on the Thursday before the race is sufficient time to get used to the warmth and settle in some might feel a few more days would be necessary. Easy Skankin, is of the mindset that we want more time for rest, relaxation and drink after the race. As Frano says “come for the run, stay for the fun (rum)” as a team we definitely stay for the fun. We chose Beaches Negril for its close proximity to both the Pasta Party and the start/finish line, this will eliminate the worry of catching the buses/Taxi’s to and from the race (although it was not an issue). It will allow for slightly more sleep. Do plan on spending some time, both before and after the race. Getting to the start line early will allow you to, drop off your bag, get a drink and soak in the peaceful pre-race vibe with some reggae music. The race will go off on time @ 5:15 am so do not count on “Island time” to rule the morning. After, grab yourself a cold towel, cold beer and a delicious coconut to hydrate with. And please, I implore you, go take a flying leap into the Caribbean nothing will relax your fatigued muscles faster and it is what separates this race from all others.

So, there are less than 90 days to go, lots of training,  a few more races between. Most of us are doing some 5 and 10K’s to prepare. Candice Lester is preparing for the Reggae Marathon’s Half marathon by running the New York Marathon about a month earlier, this will be her second NY Marathon in the last 3 years. I will be bumping miles up this fall by preparing for the Runners World Running Festival “Hat trick” that would be running both a 5 and 10K on Saturday and a Half Marathon on Sunday (22.4 miles in total).

Time is flying and before we know it we will be “Easy Skankin” once again. As the song says, we will be “taking it easy, taking it slow” in the Capital of Casual, Negril. Soon Come.


Will Negril and Reggae Marathon be ready for the return of Easy Skankin?  Find out November 30 at the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party.

And if you have a group coming to Reggae Marathon this December, let us know.  Leave a comment on this blog post or on the Reggae Marathon Facebook Page.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.
