December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Enjoying the Reggae Marathon Experience

Sending us off at 5:15 am and meeting us at the Reggae Marathon finish, Race Director Alfred ‘Frano’ Francis is always busy directing traffic.  That’s him above directing the 10K  and Half Marthon Finishers down the chute last Saturday morning. Check out his early morning beverage of choice in his right hand.  ‘Coffee good!’

The really nice thing about Reggae Marathon (among lots of nice things) is the total experience:   Pasta Party Friday night, Reggae Marathon on Saturday … vacation on the Negril beach the entire time.  Here are some photos from last Friday and Saturday at Reggae Marathon

Larry Savitch from Florida, New York was looking for ‘Rasta Pasta’.  He found it and a lot of other freshly prepared pasta and fixin’s at last Saturday’s Reggae Marathon Pasta Party.  This is Larry and a couple of the Easy Skankin Team posing Friday night in their special Reggae Marathon T Shirts. Love the mugs!

Deb from Boston had a good Reggae Marathon.  And she continued it with ‘quality time’ with her friends on the beach in Negril.  Back next year Deb?

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.

Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.
