December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Final preparation for Reggae Marathon

Registered, Check!  Airline tickets and Hotel booked! Running gear and beach wear laid out and ready to go into the suitcase…yes it’s final preparation for Reggae Marathon on December 6!

Those are the travel logistics.  On the training side, the next few weeks are all about tapering.  For the Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K,  here’s some good advice on final preparation including how to taper correctly, how to carbo load properly and what to eat during the week leading up to Reggae Marathon:

morningrun500_0Tapering for a race whether it’s a marathon, half marathon or 10K is both physical and mental.  You’ve done the training, put in the miles so physically tapering is all about staying healthy, maintaining your physical conditioning and resting your muscles.  Mental preparation is equally important:  what your mind sees drives your physical performance.  Whether Reggae Marathon is your first or if you’re a seasoned runner, keep in mind these do’s and don’ts of correct tapering:  How to Taper Correctly.


bucatini-500We have a world-class carbo-loading Pasta Party on Friday night before Reggae Marathon.  Chefs from a number of the Negril hotels compete to give us a wide variety of delicious pasta dishes.  And the cost of the Pasta Party is included in the Reggae Marathon race registration fee!  But there’s more to carbo loading effectively than just piling on the pasta the night before a race event.  This article provides some good advice on how to carbo load during the week leading up to a race event:  Carbo loading for Marathon Week.


raceweekeats500_0What you eat is supremely important to not only physical performance but your overall health. “Everything in moderation” my Grandmother insisted.  And eventhough I have a penchant for salty snacks, in the weeks leading up to a race I reduce my consumption of ‘junk food’ pretty significantly. Adding to your final race preparation is what to eat during the week leading up to the race.  This article offers up some good suggestions:  What to eat the week of a Marathon. 


Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.
Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence
Select your Reggae Marathon Name here:  Reggae Marathon Name