December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Finisher Medals … Bring on da Bling!

Back in the day I loved getting my Race T Shirt when I entered a race event.  Those were the days when 10K’s were all the rage.  Fast forward a few years…OK, quite a few years…and most races today provide a nice Race Kit that includes a Bag, T Shirt and Finisher Medal.  I’ve got the Reggae Marathon Bags, T shirts and Finisher Medals from all of my previous Reggae Marathon events and looking forward to my 6th Finisher Medal this December 6.

At the 2014 Reggae Marathon Launch Event recently, da Bling for 2014 was revealed.  Wow!  Really like the look and size of the 2014 Reggae Marathon Finisher Medals.

Frano with medals

That’s Reggae Marathon Race Director above showing off the Finisher Medal.  Looking good Frano!  I speak for all runners who are looking forward to having you back this December to send us off at 5:15 am.

10632777_793903854004775_776048363144994890_nA close up of da Bling!  This year will be my 6th Reggae Marathon event and with just 46 days to go I’m going crazy with excitement already.

And if you haven’t registered for Reggae Marathon yet, what are you waiting for?  Convenient and secure online registration is available at this link on our Web site:  Reggae Marathon 2014 Registration.

Up next?  The 2014 Reggae Marathon T Shirt Design.  Looking forward to seeing that soon.  In the meantime, I’m enjoying da Bling!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.
Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence
Select your Reggae Marathon Name here:  Reggae Marathon Name