December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Fun On Friday Night

Along with a few of my best friends, we had a lot of fun on Friday night before Reggae Marathon 2017.  There was food of course…the chefs and teams from a number of the Negril Resorts put out super tasty pasta dishes as usual.  There was music with the Silverbirds Steel Band Orchestra rocking out.  And there was the chance to catch up with friends…always the best part of the Reggae Marathon Experience.

We said it was a Pasta Party!  This did not disappoint with quite the variety of hot pasta selections including Rasta Pasta.

An ‘After’ picture, toasting with what else, wata!  Catherine’s Peak water on hand at the Pasta Party and also along the Reggae Marathon course Saturday served up in our unique plastic pouches.  Refreshing…ahhh!

‘The Photo Op’.  Just one of a number of Reggae Marathoners ‘posing’.  Hope you took advantage of the opportunity.

This was just too cute not to share.  Dad fully carbo loaded and the Cheerleading Crew hydrating.  A future Reggae Marathoner in training!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site