December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.



Hydration! Like Goldilocks, you can get too much or too little…the challenge is to get it just right!

For many, running at Reggae Marathon is a significantly warmer and more humid experience from ‘back home’. Heck even Jamaicans who live year round on the island have to deal with running in ‘the heat’. If you don’t sweat much, you will; If you’re like me and sweat a lot, you’ll be drenched by the Finish. But call me crazy…I love the experience!

Staying properly hydrated is not difficult at Reggae Marathon. We provide both water and electrolyte replacement fluids in convenient plastic pouches before race start, at every mile aid station and again just after the the Finish Chute. Why other races don’t serve up hydration this way is a continuing mystery. Not only does it reduce waste, it increases the amount of hydration you can take in without slowing down too much (just be careful through the aid stations…move to the right side of the course before the station).

So how much hydration is ‘just right’? This article from Runner’s World contains loads of good information on how to hydrate properly. As a general rule they note, ‘ Try to drink one litre of water for every 1,000 kcal you burn daily’. If you sweat a lot and are running in warmer conditions, more hydration is required.

Men and women are different phsysiologically and this affects hydration. Again, the article offers up some good insights and advice on how to calculate the right amount of hydration for you.

Drink up. Hydrate properly before, during and especially after a long run or race. Your body will thank you.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
