December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Its a Reggae Rebellion

It’s a Reggae Rebellion … and Bonnie Fowler started it!

What began with a small group of running friends traveling together to Negril for Reggae Marathon has grown to 30 coming to Jamaica this December for Reggae Marathon Sweet 16.  These are the Reggae Rebels and this will be their umpteenth time at Reggae Marathon…they just can’t get enough!

Bonnie Fowler is a dedicated runner but she is also a tireless cheerleader.  She lives, works and runs in a town just east of Toronto, Canada.  We follow her on Facebook and there isn’t a week that goes by where she isn’t celebrating the success of one of the runners in the running group she belongs to.  You couldn’t ask for a better cheerleader. For races through the Greater Toronto Area, she arranges training runs, registrations and even transportation.  Her leadership and organization is a natural for organizing the now annual trip to Reggae Marathon.

The Reggae Rebles will be very visible at Reggae Marathon again this December.  You’ll also see then en mass at the Pasta Party Friday night.  Don’t be shy…stop any one of them and ask for a selfie…I will!

13652293_10154470822274658_1437619167_nUntil next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

