It’s never goodbye, really, when departing Negril after a Reggae Marathon Weekend. It’s just a ‘So long…till next time’.
Leaving Negril is always a bittersweet feeling. Memories fade but never truly go away. Friends disperse back to regular, day-to-day lives but we stay connected on Instagram and Facebook. In a few months we can start thinking about our next time together in Negril, that being Sunday, December 8, 2019 for Reggae Marathon. In the meantime, lets linger a little longer…
My last day in Negril routine has me up at sunrise to go for a last run. I like to get in a last sunrise in the warm early morning air. After slipping into my swim trunks, I head down to the beach for a last dip in the Caribbean. I take it all in so it sears into my memory banks…these memories have to last for 363 days.
Let’s keep in touch over the next year. Share your running stories, life experiences and anything else that is special to you. On Instagram, on our Facebook Page and on Twitter. Keep using the hashtags #reggaemarathon #rm2019 #jamaicamarathon. Then every month look out for us on Facebook Live as we countdown to our next gathering at the 2019 Reggae Marathon.
So not good bye, So long till next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy