December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
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Just having fun at Reggae Marathon

Run. Sun. Fun.  Three words that best describe the Reggae Marathon experience in Negril, Jamaica.

Burt Carlson is one heck of a runner.  Well over 300 marathons to his credit (with a number of ultras tossed

in for good measure).  In this photo taken after his finish last December he looks fresh and ready to party.  And party he did that evening back at his hotel when he took to the dance floor to show up us 'youngsters'.

Finishing strong and looking great in the process.  The Reggae Marathon finish chute has to be one of the best in the world.  As you hit the marker at Bob's Mile, you pick up the sounds of music at the finish.  From there the increasing beat seems to draw you toward the finish.  At least that's how it is for me.

buy a paper”>

Loud drumming!  That's the secret.  These musicians set up right beside the chute near the finish line.  The beats are like a metronome and work to keep your tired legs moving to the rhythm toward the finish line.

What we run for.  Not the largest but certainly the coolest finishers medal.  After 3 consecutive years at Reggae Marathon I have the complete set:  Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K.  What event to run this December?  Decisions, decisions…

Remember though:  Run, Sun, Fun at Reggae Marathon 2012 December 1!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon's Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

Photos courtesy of Pan Caribbean.
