It was all about the flamingos. That was my first experience of Hope Gardens way too many years ago to mention in polite company. My grandparents packed my sisters and I into the car and we made our way to Hope Zoo. The wide open manicured green spaces hit us first before we made it to the zoo proper. And although we saw lots of other animals it was the bright pink flamingos standing on one leg that made their lasting impression.
On September 25 the Jamaica Institution of Engineers ‘Race for Hope’ 3rd annual 5 K Run and Walk takes place. Here’s what they are up to:
Race for Hope is a fun and healthy way for Jamaicans to contribute to the refurbishment of Jamaica’s icon for wildlife and education, health and nurturing of ourselves and our country, the Hope Zoo. The Nature Preservation Foundation is currently undergoing a massive overhaul in the physical infrastructure and technological make up of the Zoo in order to make the environment friendlier for the animals and more comfortable for visitors to enjoy, learn and reap the benefits of life in the outdoors in the middle of Kingston Metropolitan. The project is geared to the efficient use of energy, the environmentally safe disposal of waste, the ergonomic and safe interactivity of the visitors and the animals; whilst the animals are housed in habitats which replicate their very own in nature. Race for Hope aims to facilitate the garnering of funds towards this end, whilst encouraging healthy living, environmental awareness towards our country, and fuelling national pride; all while having a fun run.
This is a great initiative to keep a great Jamaican institution alive and thriving. Race for Hope this Sunday, September 25.
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy