December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Looking Forward to 2020

Looking Forward to 2020

This blog post is from Kari-Ann Wanat…

This year, the Reggae Marathon will celebrate its 20 th anniversary. That’s 20 years of pasta parties, steel pan drums, tiki torches lighting the start of the race, and Red Stripe. And let’s not forget the post-race celebration by the sea. Some people will be coming to Negril for the first time, others like myself, will be returning for their second, third, or tenth time or beyond. The Reggae Marathon is a special and unique experience- truly a race unlike any other.

I will return to Negril to run the Reggae Marathon for my eleventh time. Who else is coming this December? Will this be your first time or are you a Reggae Marathon veteran? If you are coming to Negril for the first time to run the Reggae Marathon what attracted you to the race? If you are returning, what keeps you coming back? I look forward to catching up with the people who I’ve met over the years but also meeting new people who are venturing to Negril for the first time and sharing this experience with them.

How do you plan to make this year’s Reggae Marathon epic?

