December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Mayumi in NYC

Mayumi in NYC last weekend…and back for her 6th Reggae Marathon December 3. But let’s hear from her directly…

It was nice to see you at EXPO as always. I always like to feel a lot of positive vibes and energy there. But seeing & talking to you, Frano and Kenton got my Reggae Marathon ON definitely.
As for my NYC Marathon this year, I enjoyed it and broke 4 hours this time!! My watch was stopped accidentally at mile 7, and i was shocked (and a kind of panic!) but just trusted my body and what I’ve done, training, the words my friends gave me the rest of miles… then I got the time, 3:56:53. It was not what I’ve expected, YAY!
Also, one more thing that made me smile was my Reggae Marathon friends, Larry & Karen, Lisa, Angela… all of them participated NYC Marathon as well and we encouraged each other and.. we said ” See you in Negril soon!”.
Look forward to seeing you again in Negril soon.
PS:  After crossing the finish line at NYC Marathon, I got the medal. The guy who gave me the medal was Jamaican. He asked me “Are you Jamaican!?” since I was putting the Jamaican wrist band! We enjoyed talking and I asked him to run Reggae Marathon! It was happy time by the way.

Mayumi writes for the Jamaica Tourist Board’s Japanese blog.  You can catch up with her posts here:  JTB Japan, Mayumi

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

