December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

No sleep for runners this Friday before the Reggae Marathon

Despite my best intentions I will go to bed late this Friday after the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party.  And I’ll dream about the race.  But that’s why I’m a runner.

Reggae Marathon torch light start at 5:15 am

Reggae Marathon torch light start at 5:15 am

Packing is completed, airline tickets checked and re-checked and and the camera is fully charged.

I can’t believe its been a year since the last Reggae Marathon but here we go again!

Thursday morning I’ll see you on the road.  I’ll be out for an early morning run down and back to the round-a-bout in Negril.  It’ll be an easy pace just to keep the legs loose.  After breakfast on the beach, nothing more strenuous planned than catching some rays and swimming.  That’s why I love Negril and the Reggae Marathon.

Newbies:  don’t forget to stop for water and Gatorade in the plastic pouches at every mile aid station.  Keep you head covered once the sun comes up and run to the reggae!

Striking the Lightening Bolt post during the Reggae Marathon

On Friday afternoon at the Reggae Marathon Expo drop by the Media tent after 3 pm and say hi.

“Negril soon come”.

Until next time…

