December 7, 2025
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Packing for your Racecation

Packing for your Racecation

Running a race in a place far away place, especially if it is a country different than your own you always want to make sure you pack your race essentials. What are your race essentials? First and foremost, pack your shoes in your carry-on. If you do nothing else that is suggested here, follow that one rule. After you pack your shoes in your carry-on, think about what you are going to wear on race morning. Check the weather of your race location. Decide on what will be best for you on race day given the predicted conditions. You may want to pack an additional race kit for a different temperature than predicted because you never know if the weather will change. If it is going to be cold, don’t forget to pack some throw away clothes or a heat sheet.

Aside from your shoes and race kit, think about your nutrition. Will the course be providing the same nutrition you’ve been training with? If so great, but still bring a few extra packets of the gels or gummies that you use. If not, pack as many as you think you’ll need then add two to three more. Don’t risk extra bathroom stops because you realize at mile 17 that the gel you consumed does not sit well with you.  What else do you use for your long run that you will also need for your race? Don’t forget the body glide. If you are walking back after your marathon or half marathon, a pair of slides to put on your feet might be a good idea.

Can you think of anything else that you might need? If so, tell us in the comments.
