December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Race Day!

Race Day!  Today.  At 5:15 am to be exact.

Reggae Marathon Race Director sends us off promptly at 5:15 am from the Start Line at Long Bay Beach Park. Torches blazing, Bob Marley blaring…it’s the special start of another Reggae Marathon.

Then as the sun comes up over Negril, it’s thrilling to see the line of runners stretched out along the road that hugs the Negril beach in places.  Bob’s mile becons twice for Marathoners and signals to Half Marathoners that the finish really is ‘just around the corner’.  Remember Marathoners, it’s OK to Step Down and Feel Allright!

Want to follow along live?  Here are the links:

Finish your breakfast, down that cup of coffee and let’s go running!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

