December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Rebecca’s 1sts: First trip to Jamaica & First Marathon!

“It was a dark and stormy night and I was on Twitter reading running Tweets…”  One day in the not too distant future an award-winning novel will start with that line and I wanted to claim it first.  Seriously though, I have met some really interesting runners who all have interesting stories.  Last week I met another runner who Tweeted about her excitement surrounding Reggae Marathon.  I was of course intrigued and so began the conversation.  Say hello to , Rebecca LeHeup, a dedicated runner who has set her mind on achieving two goals at Reggae Marathon 2013:  It will be her first time in Jamaica and it will be her first Reggae Marathon.  Rebecca, we are totally looking forward to meeting you in Negril December 7:
I am SOOOO excited to be doing my 1st full marathon in Negril on Dec 7th. I do a LOT of travelling and really love to discover a destination by way of running. My running shoes are in every bag I pack!  I am also an early morning runner and a full marathon AND Jamaica virgin – so what better way to accomplish several items on my “bucket list” then to run the Reggae Marathon!

IMG_9884I first started running 6 years ago as a way to loose my post-baby belly (son # 2  is now 8 years old). Running combined with swimming and lifestyle changes resulted in dropping 25 pounds and gaining a new passion. I have completed several 1/2 marathon, a few triathlons and a number of 5km and 10km races. In 2010, my partner Andrew and I established our own run – the Terroir Run.  We keep the run to a maximum of 100 runners and have a super fun!

Andrew has been my regular running partner but unfortunately Andrew recently injured his knee, so he is currently unable to train with me. My running partner in crime for the Reggae Marathon is my dear friend and Readers Digest Food Editor – Valerie Howes. Valerie joined Andrew and I at the 2012 Toronto 1/2 Marathon. She was intending to walk her 1st half marathon as she had only just begun running. Valerie informed us “I’ll run the few kilometres with you” and turned around a ran 17km of the 21km – AWESOME!

Valerie’s “before I hit 40 bucket list” also including completing a full marathon. When she put her bucket list out to friends requesting their support to help her achieve some of her goals I signed up for the full marathon. Within days the opportunity to run the Reggae Marathon came up and here we are! Valerie and I are journalling our training adventures by micro blogging on Instagram with r1luv – posting our training runs, recipes etc. We are also purposing content on our Twitter handles @OntarioCulinary and @ValHowes and posting to our Facebook and Google+ accounts.

Two 1sts in one race.  So glad you chose Jamaica and Reggae Marathon to get it done Rebecca.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


Click here to register online for Reggae Marathon, December 2, 2017:  Reggae Marathon Registration.

For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.

Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

This is a link to the Official Reggae Marathon 2012 Race Video.
