December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Recovering from Injury

Recovering from injury.  We’ve all sustained running injuries and we’ve all had to deal with how best to recover. While recovering from injury some of us go the self diagnosis and prognosis route (shhh…don’t tell anyone).  Others go the smarter route and seek professional help from physotherapists and medical professionals…unfortunately not me!  The longer I run, and with the desire to keep running, the more I realize that recovering from injury is not something to take lightly…or casually.

For the past few weeks as I’ve been hobbling and not running due to a broken toe, I’ve turned to pool running to satisfy my need to keep active.  Running in a pool is a great way to keep active, keep up leg muscle strength while recovering from lower limb running injuries.  For a good introduction to pool running, here’s a video from our good Reggae Marathon friend, Carrie Tollefson:

As Carrie says, ‘Get at it!”.  So if you’re recovering from injury, jump into the pool.  I’ll see you there!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

