December 7, 2025
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Reggae Marathon: only 42.2 Km’s to the Beach

It’s only 42.2 kilometres  to the beach in Negril at Reggae Marathon.  But that’s only if you run the full marathon.  If you choose the Half Marathon, it’s only 21.1 kilometres and in the 10K…well, 10 kilometres. Of course for most of us staying in one of the many fabulous hotels along the Negril beach strip, it’s really only a few steps from hotel room to the beach.  But for us runners though, that’s not really why we are in Negril in December is it?

With just a little over 3 1/2 months to go to Reggae Marathon 2012, here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for Saturday morning’s races:

  • The Reggae Marathon course runs on the main road parallel to the Beach in Negril.  It is entirely paved.
  • Reggae Marathon begins and ends at Long Bay Beach Park, near Cosmos Restaurant, just a little past Couples Swept Away Sporting Complex (where registration, race kit pickup and Friday’s Pasta Party are all located).
  • Very important:  the road is closed to all vehicular traffic except official vehicles and shuttles around 3:30 am Saturday morning.  The only way to get to the start is to take a shuttle from your hotel or walk.  If you walk, and a lot of us do, it is a cool experience to be up so early chatting with fellow runners.
  • And early it is.  Plan to be up by 3:30 am to allow time to eat and make it to the 5:15 am start.  It is a prompt 5:15 am start.  Race Director Frano has not been late yet and he has no plans to do so in 2012.
  • The full

    marathon course is two loops of the half marathon course:  Run from Long Bay Beach park to the Round-a-bout in Negril back out to the turn just past Riu then back to Long Bay Beach Park.  The course map is on our web site:  Reggae Marathon Course.

  • There are aid stations at every mile marker along the course.  At each station Reggae Marathon volunteers are ready with cold water and Hi-Lyte electrolyte replacement.  They come in handy plastic pouches making it easy to stay hydrated (and keep cool once the sun comes up).
  • There is a very convenient bag check facility near the start/finish area.  It is well organized. Just make sure your race number is clearly visible on the outside of your bag.
  • Yes it is warm in Negril in December.  Dress appropriately, wear a hat once the sun comes up and slow down.  Yes it’s a race but you’re in Negril, the Capital of Casual.  It’s the Reggae Marathon!
  • Post-race, after you’ve received your Reggae Marathon Finisher’s Medal, take advantage of the misting/cooling tent before grabbing a fresh cut coconut (great electrolyte replacement) and a Red Stripe.
  • Massages are available as well if you need one.

And after all that, the best way to celebrate your Reggae Marathon finish is with a refreshing dip in the warm Caribbean… just steps away from the finish area.  Really!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

Photo courtesy of Errol Anderson.
